Know the 10 common mistakes in child custody matters


Child custody matters are very sensitive as well as delicate and should be handled carefully to get the desired outcome. Because the requirement for child custody arises whether the parents have separated, parents are staying in different states, parents are dead or any issue with abusive guardians and all these reasons are very pathetic. Preciously, anyone would like to avoid child custody matters as it may appear like the hardest thing to handle with care. 

  • 10 most common mistakes observed in child custody matters:

So it is needed to look after the child custody matter very delicately so no more cause of sorrow may appear. We will advise you to contact the best child custody lawyer in California for the desired outcome and no further harassment of the child. In the following section, we will mention the top 10 mistakes you should avoid that are related to child custody matters.

  1. Not communicating with your partner:

In the case of child custody without divorce, both partners should communicate with each other for the sake of their child. Both parents should keep good communication between them to avoid the extremely detrimental effects in the child’s mind, which is not at all good for them.

  1. Trying to make the child feel sorry:

Parental alienation can be so pathetic that one or both of them may create some situation in which the child will feel sorry. This should be entirely avoided even if it is done unintentionally and the best family lawyers in California always suggest keeping the deliberate intention to hurt the other parent through the child.

  1. Preventing access to the child:

In many cases, the parent in control tries to prevent the other from any access to the child. This may as well hurt the child’s mind as the children usually need both their father and mother. So the parent in control should schedule some visiting sessions for the other parent for the sake of their child. If any of the parents are abusive or appear harmful to the child then it is required to prevent them from meeting the child. 

  1. Splitting up the children’s custody:

We can find many blended families in today’s world, in which we can find all types of siblings, that includes step-siblings and half-siblings, not just biological siblings. In such cases, if the parents get separated then they often split up the children between them, and this is also not felt well by the children and they miss their siblings for their lives. 

  1. Involving children in legal proceedings:

Children are innocent and none of them likes to witness legal proceedings and for that reason as per the child custody laws in California, anyone under 18 years is not permitted to enter the courtroom without a special permission from the judge.

  1. Talking badly about the other parent or guardians:

You shouldn’t talk bad in front of your child, as that affects their little minds considerably. This is one of the most common mistakes in parents observed by the court that many use child acting as the listening post against their partners. So whatever reason for dispute you have with your partner you shouldn’t bring these in front of your child. 

  1. Scolding the child:

Many parents think their lives have been affected by the presence of their child and maintaining or managing them appeared to be hectic to many. Moved by such thoughts many parents abuse their children as well as scold them badly and that puts an utmost negative impression on the children as well as their lives become affected. 

  1. Crying in front of the child:

Crying or shouting in front of the child also puts a negative impression on them and leaves a long-lasting effect on their minds. For that reason, the best child custody lawyer in California suggests keeping the emotions hidden from the children as their soft and innocent minds may respond to them poorly.

  1. Lying about alcohol or drug use:

Alcohol and drug abuse are one of the primary reasons for break up or divorce. Many parents try to hide such weakness from the court to get their child’s custody, but in long term, such bad habits can considerably affect the child’s life. So it is better to leave any such bad habits for the sake of your children.  

  1. No proper preparations for court specialists:

This is last but not the least as well as a common part of many family law matters. The parents or guardians should prepare themselves to follow the court rules and as per the child custody laws, all proceedings should be completed properly. 

Final thoughts:

So, as we have mentioned earlier, child custody is a very delicate matter as well as needs some extra care and attention. The professional child custody lawyers will guide you properly about the procedure then also avoid committing these aforementioned mistakes for the sake of your child’s mind and health.


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